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Help East Side Art Institute make the world a better place through Art. Join the world-wide GivingTuesday movement and re-imagine a world built upon our shared humanity and generosity. We know art can heal; it can promote kindness and understanding when we share our creativity with others. Connecting to one another through art sparks our inner warmth and joy. This special power of art belongs to everyone.

Join the Team at ESAI.  Together we can build this community to serve all who want to engage in art through classes, exhibitions or just having a joyful  creative  hour at one of our special events.  Come walk the ESAI labyrinth and enjoy our beautiful campus.  We invite you to offer a helping hand, an hour or more of your time, a donation, or share your energy, knowledge and experience as an ESAI Board Member. Our efforts in these ways have a tendency to ripple out, becoming part of something much greater. We believe each person has gifts to share and can contribute toward building the kind, caring, and creative world we all want to live in.

To make a monetary gift or to offer your time and skills, click the Donate button found at the top of each page of our website to Volunteer or make a Donation.

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